Ohh and shout out to my madre who turned 49 yesterday!!.. dang she still looks good ;)
Sooo it's been another week. Just as fast as all the others, and just as crazy! It seems like miracles happen everyday now, so I started writing them in a little book so I don't lose track.
First things first, we have 2 investigators getting baptized this coming weekend! Christian (friends with Stephen) and Ceairra! They are both so excited and so ready for this change in their life. Christian let us rip up his last 3 cigarettes and said he was ready to change and be completely clean. I've never held a cigarette so that was a new experience on it's own.. haha..nasty looking little cancer sticks. But yeah, he came to church Sunday and felt the super strong and is looking forward to his big day!
So a few days ago we were trying to find an address, but we didn't have the exact street name, just knew the general area where it was. We finally just decided to knock on this certain apartment with the same number to see if it was the guy we were trying to visit. Turns out it definitely wasn't, but we met a guy named Dreemer (name was tattooed on his chest so we had no questions about spelling). He talked with us for a minute, then said he saw a light surrounding us and in our eyes. He was on his way out the door, but he eagerly invited us to come back and talk with him more! It was a super cool. The gospel is true guys :)
Another crazy miracle....so we got a referral from some other sisters a couple days ago and tried to visit her on Friday. We knocked on the door and her mom screamed through the door "who is it??" We said in our sweetest voices possible... the sister missionaries! Is Erica home?! She then proceeded to scream at us again and said to never ever come back. Shoot dang. The other sisters had told us that Erica was super sweet and seriously interested in learning more..but just that the mom was a little crazy. (noted). Sister Crane and I were back in the same area on Saturday and both felt prompted to knock on her door again. We were scared to death, but, went for it anyways. After a couple knocks, Erica opened the door and greeted us with a huge smile and hug! We went out and talked on her front steps for a minute, and then the mom came out. Duh duh duh. Man did she let us have it. She screamed at us and chewed us out (I won't go into detail, but it wasn't pretty). The saddest part is that Erica (who is 23 and has been home schooled her whole life) was so embarrassed and upset at her mom that she just sat there and cried. Her mom was like,"You don't even know her, why are you here??" We weren't sure what to say, so I just said, well we love her, and Heavenly Father loves her. That is why we are here. We ended up getting to talk with Erica a little while longer down the side walk a little ways, but we had to leave for another appointment. She asked if we could come back the next day at the same time and meet her at the same place, so we could teach her more. She is so thirsty for knowledge and wants to know how she can grow closer to her Heavenly Father. She had never prayed until that day we met her. My heart just aches for this sweet girl who has never been given the chance to learn about the gospel. I am also incredibly grateful for parents who aren't extremely rude and embarrassing... We didn't end up getting to see her yesterday, but we will keep trying!
Sooo for the freakiest part of the week... Sister Crane and I saw 3 scorpions in our apartment, all within a few days... yeahh,, I about peed my pants all 3 times. We killed 2 of them with a frying pan.. but one of them escaped under the fridge. We are pretty sure there is a whole colony living under there, so that's a little scary.. or a lot.. but on a good note, we are basically expert scorpion killers now. Sister Crane catches it in a tupperwear container and slides a paper under it, then I wack it with the frying pan about 100 times. Yeah, we're sort of hardcore, it's whatever.
Oh last thing! We went to the M. Russell Ballard broadcast last night which was the last part of the huge regional YSA conference that happened over the weekend. Ceairra came, as well as our newest investigator MaElena, Stephen, Rudy and a lot of other cool people from the ward. I ran into Daniel Sleet from St. Louis so that was crazy, as well as a kid who was in my Calculus class at BYU. Super small world! Also, if you didn't get a chance to listen to the broadcast.. do it! It was awesome and something I think we all need to hear! We are the future of the church so we better be bringing our A game.
So in summary, the biggest miracle I've realized throughout the mission so far is just how much Heavenly Father loves us all individually. I never thought my heart could expand this much, but i seriously feel so much love for all of the people we teach and all of the ward members, sometimes I think my heart might explode. It's a crazy feeling. I know Heavenly Father knows us each individually and cares about every detail of our life. Have an incredible week and never forget that! Love you all :)
Sistah Kraus
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