What makes me happy!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Party With A Purpose!


This week has been full of miracles! Like seriously, super amazing. We set really high goals at the start of the week and the Savior helped us out! So many awesome people were placed in our way. We met a guy on the street named Dewayne who had randomly gone to an LDS church the week before and when we talked to him he was all like." Guess what?!? i beat you guys to it. Went to church last Sunday...nbd." It was awesome. Now we're working on getting him back and hopefully will start teaching him soon! Everyone around here is super busy so sometimes that can be tricky!

We started teaching a girl named Daniela who has a boyfriend on a mission, so that should be really cool! She wants to take things really slow, but is really interested in the gospel because she said she feels peace every time she went to church with her Aunt back in California. Funny how that works.. the spirit is so sneaky, and so real, and really does help us feel comforted and testifies when things are true and right! 

Sister Crane and I have also been teaching a couple awesome guys named Stephan and Christian that used to be homeless and they are incredible! They both came to church on Sunday and they both said they want to baptized on April 12th!! My heart felt so pregnant when they said that :) They are changing their lives around so much and they both just grin huge grins during our lessons. Stephan also prays that there will be fried chicken in heaven every time he prays. It's a valid concern I suppose. His dad is a pastor for another church, but he says he knows this is the true church and he is so excited to join it. Christian is a little quiet, but his comments and insights are deep and so amazing. I am so pumped for them!! We watched a DVD on the restoration during our first lesson and they both were like...WHOA. It's true isn't it?? The spirit was so strong, and me and Sister Crane were just like.. yup. And it will change your life :) 

So apparently Las Vegas is the #2 baptizing mission in the United States and in the top 5 in the world.. so that means we've gotta do work because soo many people here are ready to accept the gospel! Now it is just up to us as missionaries to follow the spirit and find them. I love being a missionary. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and I love being a member of His church!

Also, if you didn't get a chance to watch the women's broadcast on Saturday.. do it! it was amazing and the largest gathering of women.. like ever. ( ok maybe I made that up, but it was all of the women of the church ages 8 to 108, so I'm pretty sure it was). But the main message was that we can all do better at loving each other better and looking out for one another. We just need to remember that every one we meet is our brother or sister and that we are all children of God.

I love you all and hope you have an incredible week!

ps. Oh our motto for the mission is now party with a purpose, because missionary work is practically as fun as a party..let's be honest..as long as we remember our purpose behind it all: To bring others unto Christ!

pss. yes the hard rock cafe is in my mission.. no we are not allowed to go there.dang. 

Sister Kraus

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