Oh Hey,
So Las Vegas is as hoppin as ever and is getting hot already Super crazy.....
Sister Crane and I rode our bikes for 5 hours the other day street contacting and we came back with gnarly tan lines. I'm pretty sure people think we are absolutely crazy out there.. Bikes.skirts.helmets.huge smiles.. but we love it. We just smile and wave all day long, like those one penguins. Street contacting is like my favorite thing ever though! We meet the coolest people with crazy stories all day long. Sometimes it's really depressing, but we always do our best to leave the people better than we found them. And that's my challenge to you all this week ;) Leave everyone better then you found them! I've realized more then ever how many people are actually prepared to receive this gospel, they just haven't been exposed to it! This gospel can change ANYONE and EVERYONE. We've been teaching some previous drug addicts, people who have been in prison, people who don't even know who their parents are, and seen them change right before our eyes. It really is amazing! This one kid we are teaching named Rudy (who is getting baptized this Saturday!!!!) has completely changed his life around over the last month. He was into drugs, dropped out of school, didn't care about anything... now he is going to school and actually really enjoying it, comes to church every week and loves it, and knows that he can become clean through baptism and following the example of Jesus Christ. He is awesome! He also has really bad ADHD and will randomly get up to get a drink or go to the bathroom, or offer us food in the most important part of the lesson, but it keeps things interesting :)
We're still teaching Kendra ( the girl with amazing questions) and she is soaking it all up! She read Alma 32 and said she had lots of questions for us. We had already been at her place for an hour after a really good lesson, when she started on verse one with the questions. Who is Alma? What does it mean to be compelled to be humble? We asked if we could come back the next day because she would keep us there for hours if she could! She is so thirsty for the gospel! It's amazing and I can't wait to keep teaching her :)
OHh we went to the temple on Friday and it was incredibleeeeee. If you haven't visited the Las Vegas temple, come! Or just go to the closest temple to you. Temples really are the closest we can get to heaven on earth. We get to bring our investigators there this Saturday to walk around the grounds and read scriptures with them. I wouldn't be surprised if they all want to be baptized afterwards.. just sayin.
We had stake conference this past weekend and all the missionaries in the stake sang "Bring the World his Truth" just like when I was in primary! It was pretty neat and I totally got the chills all over. We are called to bring the world his truth! There really is nothing better. Also, if you haven't heard about the great boat lift that happened on 9/11, look it up on youtube! We watched it during stake conference and the stake president related it to the hastening of missionary work. 500,000 people were evacuated from Manhattan in 9 hours because everyone who had a boat responded to the radio call to come help save people. We have the same duty as members of the church to rescue the souls of those around us so lets hasten this work and save some souls!! Yeah, missionary work is the bomb :)
Have an awesome week!...(but i guarantee mine is going to better..unless you go to disneyland or something.. ;) Remember: leave people better then you found them! And smile lots and lots :) Love you all!
ps. There were planes in the sky that were writing secret messages all of Saturday! It said #airwriters then: Forgive your enemies today <3.. Probably the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Definitely how I want to get proposed to..just throwing that out there.
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