Hey Hey!
So this week was sweeeet. I'm still trying to remember what happened.. i'm not kidding when I say it flys by. I"m really short on time this week, so i'll just do the highlights!
Sister Robbin's face got attacked by a sugar glider (look it up on google). One of the families of a girl in our ward has 6 of them (all named after Sherlock characters). They are pretty stinking cute..until they jump on your face from 2 feet away. yeah, I quickly gave the little devil back to the owner and evacuated the area so the same thing wouldn't happen to me.
We are now teaching this girl named Ashley!! Oh my goodness has she been prepared by Heavenly Father. Her friend is on a mission in Chile and she recently decided she wanted to investigate the church. However, she has read up to Alma 16 in the Book of Mormon, listened to several talks by the prophet and apostles, and gone to church a few times before. Needless to say, we were verry excited during our first lesson. Sister Robbins and I probably freaked her out because we kept looking at each other in the lesson with huge smiles, talking to each other with our eyes 'oh my goodness is this really happening.' She asked us if she could meet with us again and asked about any activities that she could come to. In case you were wondering.. usually we are the ones who do the asking/inviting/pleading with people. She is truly elect and even though sacrament meeting was all on the Law of Chastity (in quite detail might I add.. which is very good don't get me wrong) she said she loved it and felt the spirit and can't wait to come next week!
We rescued/kidnapped a puppy and named her Abish. Our investigator had to move suddenly and had left her outside of his house in the heat. We were able to help her get adopted into a good family.. though we both were quite sad to see her leave.
Our investigator Cody is getting baptized this Saturday! We recently discovered also that we are teaching 2 investigators who have something called Schizoeffective disorder.. apparently only 1 percent of the population has this and we are teaching 2! Definitely not a coincidence..we're not really sure why Heavenly Father trust us to teach these two individuals, but it has been a pretty neat experience for us :)
Annnd unfortunately I am out of time.. but spiritual thought for the road:
In Alma 23:6-8 we learn about how the Lamanites were so converted to the Lord that they NEVER fell away and they covenanted to lay down their weapons of rebellion forever. What caused them to be so converted and how can we be that converted in our life?? I've realized that it all comes down to the spirit and how often we are feeling it in our life. Do the things that help us feel the spirit at least once a day!! Also, what weapons of rebellion do we have in our lives that we need to lay down??
Love you all and have an amazing week!
ps. also, Sister Neider has been going through treatments for cancer this past few weeks adn she was able to get a blessing from President Monson. How amazing is that????
Sister kraus
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